What to Do if You Have Mice

mouse walking on the pavement

Have you found mouse droppings in your kitchen?  Seen a mouse running through the house?  Mice are one of the most common pests found in and around houses, apartments, and other human establishments. While they can be a concern in regard to human health, there are many great solutions to mouse problems that can make them go away forever!

Which mouse is in your house?

There are two common types of mice that invade human structures:  the house mouse and field/deer mice.  The house mouse can be found almost anywhere but maybe most common in urban settings. Field/deer mice are more common in suburban/rural settings but can also be found almost anywhere.  The big difference between the two types is that house mice can effectively live and reproduce within the home while field/deer mice do not typically reproduce inside the house (they move in during colder months for food and warmth).

Are mice a human health risk?

Mice pose three different risks when infesting a house:  disease, unsanitary conditions, and potential fire risks.  Although uncommon, mice have been shown to transmit hantavirus and a few other diseases.  Most would consider the bigger risk to be the unsanitary conditions that mice create.  They often defecate and urinate near food surfaces and other areas within the home where humans eat. Lastly, mice often chew on different items within the house such as wires and other areas of concern which can cause fire risks amongst other issues.  Therefore it is advised to remove mice from living within the house and prevent mice from entering moving forward.

How do I get rid of mice?

There are two steps to solving a mouse issue.  The first would be to remove the active issue within the home through the use of snap traps, rodent bait, and other rodent control measures.  While any homeowner can set mouse traps, pest management professionals know where the best place to put them is and they also have access to rodent baits that can be installed in tamper-resistant bait stations.  Once the mice are removed from inside the home, the other step is to evaluate how the mice entered the home in the first place and seal those areas to prevent mouse issues in the future.

Why can’t I solve my mouse issue on my own?

The short answer is that you can…but “just because you have a toolbox doesn’t mean you can rebuild a car engine!”  This means that just because you have mouse traps and other rodent control devices doesn’t mean you know how to use them and where to put them to capture the culprit.  Also, mice can fit their entire body through a hole as big as a dime.  A knowledgeable professional knows both how to use rodent control devices as well as how to conduct a thorough inspection to identify how the mice are getting inside the home.  Lastly, please be extremely careful using rodenticides/rodent bait as misapplications can lead to sick animals and even sick humans.  Sometimes you put the bait in the right area but mice move the bait and it ends up in an area that is accessible by curious children and pets!

So what’s the take-home?

Mice happen! Mice can pose a human health risk…but mice can also be solved fairly easily and quickly with an experienced and knowledgeable person handling the control efforts. As soon as you notice issues call someone to help you evaluate the situation. 

For residents in Mount Vernon, addressing a mouse problem efficiently is crucial. Our expert team at Suburban Pest Control provides top-notch rodent exterminator services in Mount Vernon, ensuring that both removal and prevention measures are effectively implemented. By sealing entry points and using professional-grade control measures, we help ensure your home remains mouse-free.

The More You Know

Check Out Our Other Blogs On Mice

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